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Believe Deluxe-CD – Andrea Bocelli Deluxe-CD from Vinyl Records London
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Thenbspinternationally renowned and beloved Italian tenornbspAndrea Bocellinbspreleases his breath takingnbspnew album,nbspBelieve,nbspcelebrating the power of music to soothe the soul.nbspIt follows hisnbsprecordbreakingnbsplsquoMusic for Hopersquonbspperformance at Easter from the historic Duomo cathedral in Milan which was watched live by millions around the globe.nbspItnbspfeatures a previously unreleased track from the late, great Italian composernbspEnnio Morricone, as well as lsquoGratia Plenarsquo ndash nbspfrom the critically acclaimed new movie,nbspFatimanbspndash, two duets with awardwinning mezzosopranonbspCecilia Bartoli,nbspand for the first time evernbspAndreanbspBocellinbsphas recorded hisnbspown interpretationsnbspofnbsplsquoAve Mariarsquo and lsquoPadre Nostrorsquo along with familiar favourites such as lsquoHallelujahrsquo, lsquoYoursquoll Never Walk Alonersquo and lsquoAmazing Gracersquo.nbspBelieve, coproduced by Steven Mercurio and Haydn Bendall, is a collection of uplifting songs that have inspired andnbspsustainednbspBocelli over the years. Andrea Bocelli Deluxe-CD is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £13
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