New Model Army – Between Wine And Blood CD


Between Wine And Blood CD – New Model Army CD from Vinyl Records London

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New Model Army follow their most successful album in 20 years ldquoBetween Dog and Wolfrdquo, a top 30 album in UK and Germany, with ldquoBetween Wine and Blood.rdquo This is a brand new mini album of 6 new songs that are an evolution of the experimentation of ldquoBDampWrdquo and a live album songs from the Autumn 2013 tour recorded in London, Nottingham, Cambridge, Cologne and Amsterdam. The album was again mixed by Joe Barresi Queens of the Stone Age, Tool, Soundgarden. The stunning artwork is by longtime collaborator Joolz. A documentary feature film ldquoBetween Dog and Wolf The New Model Army storyrdquo directed by Royal Television Award winner Matt Reid will be having itrsquos UK premier this Autumn. New Model Army CD is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £12


A CD, or compact disc, is a versatile format that delivers high-quality digital sound in a compact and durable design. Known for its clarity and studio-quality audio, the CD has been a cornerstone of music collections for decades. Its robust nature makes it an excellent option for preserving your favourite albums or exploring new genres in pristine sound quality.

Perfect for collectors and audiophiles alike, CDs offer a tangible connection to music in an era dominated by streaming. They combine portability with a sense of permanence, allowing you to enjoy your favourite tracks without relying on an internet connection. Whether expanding your music library or rediscovering classic albums, the compact disc remains a timeless choice.

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