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Time was GIGANTIC When we were kids Vinyl-CD Bundle – The Durutti Column new Bundle In Stock from Vinyl Records London
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It sounds so sweet Reillys shimmering guitar spinning merry cartwheels behind Eley Rudges angelic Harriet Wheeler warble, or basking lazily in pools of ambient calm. Its a smooth as porcelain, as mannered as a lily pond and as forgettable as your last breath. NMEFor the very first time on vinyl, the 25th Anniversary edition of Time Was GIGANTIChellip When we were kids by The Durutti Column featuresExpanded artwork by original designers 8voNew liner notes by James Nice5 bonus tracks of raritiesDouble heavyweight 180gm vinylVinyl TracklistingA1 Organ DonorA2 PigeonA3 I B YoursA4 Twenty TreesB5 AbuseB6 Drinking SongB7 Sing To MeC8 My Last KissC9 For RachelC10 Highfield ChoirC11 EpilogueD12 Its Your Life, BabeD13 Kiss of DefD14 In the CityD15 New Order TributeD16 Drinking Song versionCD Tracklisting1 Organ Donor2 Pigeon3 I B Yours4 Twenty Trees5 Abuse6 Drinking Song7 Sing To Me8 My Last Kiss9 For Rachel10 Highfield Choir11 Epilogue12 Its Your Life, Babe13 Kiss of Def14 In the City15 New Order Tribute16 Drinking Song version The Durutti Column Bundle is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £35 +P&P
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