The Jacques – The Four Five Three- Vinyl-CD Bundle


The Four Five Three- Vinyl-CD Bundle – The Jacques new Bundle In Stock from Vinyl Records London

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This is not a normal debut album. We wanted to get it right. Finn OBrien The upcoming debut album The Four Five Three, a record of remarkable songs hewn from a range of tragically ragged, sweet and tender adolescent experiences you cant quite believe have been crammed into such a slight number of collective years. But therein lies the rub The Jacques may have unremarkable musical origins emanating out of the fields and towns of rural England, best visualized in that seminal British comedy This Country, with all the boredoms and eccentricities associated with the social isolation of such communities. But their personal journey is a unique tale of triumph over adversity and, like the best kind of drama ndash and theirs is quite definitely a drama one of gain through loss. TRACKLISTING1. Born Sore2. Kiss The Pharaoh3. Swift Martin4. Do Me For a Fool5. The Ugliest Look6. Count On Me Pt.17. Tiny Fuzzy Parasite8. Cradle9. Count On Me Pt.210. Holy Mamacita11. Hendrik12. Taste the Mexican Sun13. Gods Lick The Jacques Bundle is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £25 +P&P
