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Orbscure Sampler CD EP – Sedibus EP from Vinyl Records London
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Always keen to collaborate, ever prolific, and with hisnbspcreativity as flowing as ever, Orbscure Recordings is a newnbspvehicle for Patersonrsquos impressive quantity of output in differentnbspgroups which runs parallel to his continued music within ThenbspOrb. Set up under the Cooking Vinyl umbrella at thenbspsuggestion of label head Rob Collins, Orbscure will also be annbspoutlet for new music from artists from around the world. ldquoThenbspname is a play on the Obscure label Eno set up on EditionsnbspEG in the 1970s. Orbs Cure. Clever parrotOrbscurenbspOrbscure Orbs Cure for all ills. Orbs Cure made 2 chill,rdquonbspstates Alex.Having helmed the Orb collective for over 30 years, releasingnbspmusic on other peoplersquos labels in partnership with variousnbsplabel managersAampRs, Alex now finds himself in the drivingnbspseat, coordinating an even wider group of talent. Picking upnbspfrom his past experience as an AampR for the legendary EGnbspRecords, there is already a raft of new releases in the pipelinenbspwithnbspthree albums set for release this year. The label willnbspfeature artists from Uganda, Kenya, Argentina, Japan andnbspAmerica with further collaborative projects to follow. Sedibus EP is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £5
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