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XXX – Three Decades In Metal CD – Kai Hansen CD from Vinyl Records London
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ldquoBorn in the city of Hamburg, in 1963helliprdquoWith this simple, yet spot on line, Kai Hansen sets the direction for his solo debut ldquoXXX ndashThree Decades Of Metalrdquo.Hamburg, itrsquos the city is where it all started for Hansen, itrsquos the city that made Kai into one ofthe biggest metal musicians on the planet. Not strictly autobiographical and with a twinkle inits eye, XXX takes you onto a journey of Hansenrsquos life from the first steps in the practicingspace in his bedroom, to rehearsal rooms and eventually to the biggest stages in the world,ending up influencing and sharing the stage with the very same bands Hansen admired inthe first place ndash and everything that happened along the way.On ldquoXXXrdquo, Hansen roars into the mic like his life depends on it ndash like a wild, unleashedbeast ndash and breaks free with liberating screams. Hansenrsquos typical rough sound isintermittent by highpitched screams and alternates between a melodic and clear vocal stylewhile still retaining the slight nasal tone and rasp of his early years. Add explosive guitarsolos, heavy riffs and licks as well as powerful tunes to the mix, and you get everything youever searched for in metalhard rock.Or as Hansen puts it ldquoIt made me feel so groovy ndash it gave me instant heat.rdquoThe 10 new metal classics on ldquoXXXrdquo came into existence by the hand of AlexDietz Heaven Shall Burn on bass, Eike Freese who already worked as engineer and coproducerwith Hansen on the last Gamma Ray album on guitar and phenomenal drummerDaniel Wilding Carcass ndash and of course Hansen himself.The four will be joined by various guests, ranging from friends to followers to heroes, suchas Dee Snider, Hansi Kuumlrsch Blind Guardian, Marcus Bischoff Heaven Shall Burn,Tobias Sammet Avantasia, Edguy, Michael Kiske Unisonic, and Michael WeikathHelloween.ldquoXXXrdquo has it all. And with the song ldquoBorn Freerdquo, a new metal hymn is born. A hymn that willget fans all over the globe to stand up proud and shout ldquoI am BORN FREE ndash NO LIMITS INTHE SKYrdquo. Kai Hansen CD is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £14.99
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£6.63 £5.38