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Detroit Stories CD+DVD CD/DVD – Alice Cooper CD/DVD from Vinyl Records London
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Named for the city that launched the originalnbspAlice Coopernbspgroup on the road to success,nbspldquoDetroit Storiesrdquonbspfollows last yearrsquos ldquoBreadcrumbsrdquo EP as a modernday homage to the toughest and craziest Rock n Roll scene there ever was.ldquoLos Angeles had its sound with The Doors, Love and Buffalo Springfield,rdquonbspsays Alice Cooper,nbspldquoSan Francisco had the Grateful Dead and Jefferson Airplane. New York had The Rascals and The Velvet Underground. But Detroit was the birthplace of angry hard rock. After not fitting in anywhere in the US musically or image wise Detroit was the only place that recognized the Alice Cooper guitar driven, hard rock sound and our crazy stage show. Detroit was a haven for the outcasts. And when they found out I wasnbspbornnbspin East Detroit… we were home.rdquo50 years laternbspAlicenbspandnbspEzrinnbspgathered somenbsplegendary Detroitnbspmusicians in a Detroit studio to recordnbspDetroit Stories,nbspAlice Cooperrsquosnbspnew album that celebrates that spirit for a new era. nbspIf 2019rsquos ldquoBreadcrumbsrdquo EP laid down the trail to the city,nbspDetroit Storiesnbspdrives like a muscle car right down Woodward Ave.nbspDiscover Detroit Stories as they were meant to be told.The DVD and Bluray will show the incredible live performance ldquoA Paranormal Evening At The Olympia Parisrdquo for the first time on video. With the whole concert culture being shut down due to covid19,nbspAlice Coopernbspfelt the need to share one of his latest shows with his fans as he cannot wait to get back on the road ndash better than ever. Alice Cooper CD/DVD is available for home delivery from Vinyl Records London, only £16
£2.97 £2.29
£4.49 £1.82